SPRING SALAD WITH FRUITY VINAIGRETTE A refreshing salad tossed with greens, apples, pecans, goat cheese, and a fruity vinaigrette dressin...
ZUCCHINI RIBBON SALAD WITH VINAIGRETTE Fresh and flavorful! This delicious recipe combines savory veggies, tangy citrus, and creamy nuts ...
GREEK POTATO SALAD This potato salad is so simple, yet so flavorful! The dill and lemon flavors pairs perfectly with tender potatoes and ...
PISTACHIO CRUSTED FISH Turn your weeknight meal into a gourmet experience with this pistachio crusted fish recipe! The sweet and salty cr...
CHICKEN GREEK SALAD Eating your vegetables never tasted so good! Mix up your salads with something different than leafy greens as this sa...
SPANIKOPITA A traditional Greek dish, Spanikopita (“spinach pie”) is a savory pie made with feta, onions, spinach, and phyllo dough. Let...
STEAK GYROS Who doesn’t love a good gyro? A mix of savory meat, tangy tzatziki, and fresh veggies this is the recipe for the perfect meal...
PISTACHIO & PARMESAN HERB ENCRUSTED BEEF TENDERLOIN We must not let this unprecedented time keep us from celebrating Easter with our fami...
COCONUT CHAI CARROT SOUP This quick and delicious carrot soup uses coconut milk to get the velvety texture. The addition of Olivelle's Co...
Sweet & Spicy Chicken Stir Fry
Herb & Garlic Tri-Tip with Compound Butter
Lemon Rosemary Sourdough Bread
Seared Halibut with Mango Salsa